Infrastructure & Facilities

Our Infrastructure

Our organization has a well-developed infrastructure, which is divided into manufacturing, quality warehousing and marketing wings. This compartmentalization helps in the smooth functioning of the business unit. We make use of hi-tech machines, owing to which, we complete the bulk consignments, placed by customers, within committed time frame. Our well equipped manufacturing unit is connected with rail, road and other networks and thus, we deliver the unparalleled and uncompromising quality plastic items in a trouble-free manner.

Warehousing & Packaging

We have developed a capacious warehousing & packaging unit for storing the products in an organized manner. The moisture resistant and ventilated department is manged by the supervisors, who track down complete records of the procured plastics and dispatched consignments. Apart from fire safety arrangements, the unit is equipped with facilities like temperature controller. We have recruited cleaning staff for keeping this unit free from dust and rodents. For satisfying the individual tastes of customers, we customize our packaging process.