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⇒ Kamal Internal Bleeding Roller

Internal bleeding roller is a recent innovation in the long history of sugarcane milling. Higher and higher economies were sought in cane milling and problems such as flooding, reabsorption of juice in bagasse and final bagasse moisture had to be dealt with. Kamal rollers are internal bleeding rollers and by replacing your regular rollers with KAMAL rollers, you can :

  • Increase Mill Capacity
  • Increase Mill Extraction
  • Improve Feeding
  • Eliminate Reabsorption
  • Lower Bagasse Moisture
  • Improve Boiler Efficiency

What Kamal Roller Does :

Efficiently drains the juice extracted from all the three nips, with almost 40% of the nozzles fed under pressure. This eliminates flooding and minimises reabsorption. Approximately, 15% of the total amount of the juice removed here reduces the weight of the material to be handled by the mill. As compared to the conventional milling, moisture is further reduced by 10% for the first mill and 4% for the last mill approximately with reduction in pol. in bagasse. Close setting prevents the falling of the bagasse in the mill tray.r Industry in 1978. This original design had some inherent defects and needed certain modifications and improvements which are now overcome and the design used commercially is proved beyond expectations.

A Brief History of Kamal Roller :

Jean Bouvet, the inventor of the Lotus Roller, first brought this to the attention of Sugar Industry in 1978. This original design had some inherent defects and needed certain modifications and improvements which are now overcome and the design used commercially is proved beyond expectations.

⇒ Sugar Mill Roller

⇒ Feed Rollers in All Types

⇒ Reshelling of sugar mill rollers

⇒ Value Bodies of pumps

⇒ Beds for Machine Tool Castings

⇒ Components for Wind Turbines

⇒ Die Blocks

⇒ Kamal and Conventional Rollers in S.B. Reshellers Alloy