-- Poultry Products ยป Anticoccidials--

∗ DESCRIPTION - • Amprolium (Animal Anticoccidials Products) is a coccidiostat (antiprotozoal) and Animal Anticoccidials Products are used for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves, goats, sheep, chickens (broilers and breeders) and other animals such as calves, goats, sheep, with activity against Eimeria spp., especially Eimeria tenella and Eimeria necatrix. It is a thiamine (vitamin B1) analogue and its pharmacological effect relies on competitive inhibition of thiamine uptake. Amprolium competitively inhibits the active transport of thiamine in isolated second-generation schizonts of Eimeria spp., and in host intestinal cells. Upon ingestion of amprolium, the coccidia experience thiamin deficiency and starve from malnutrition.

∗ COCCIDIOSTAT - Amprolium 20% Soluble Powder with Vitamin K3 An aid in the Treatment and Prevention of Coccidiosis in Chicks, Growers, Layers & Broilers

Each gram contains :
Amprolium Hydrochloride - 200 mg
Vitamin K3 - 10 mg
Excipients - q.s.

Helps keep enteritis and coccidiosis under control thereby preserves your production output.

∗ DOSAGE - Add in drinking water / feed at the following dose rate :

Usage Condition Dose of Amprocox Drinking Water /Feed UsagePeriod
Prevention 30 gm. 100 Lts./60 Kg. Continuous
Mild Outbreak 30 gm. 50 Lts./30 Kg. 5-7 days
Severe Outbreak 30 gm. 25 Lts./15 Kg. 5-7 days